1375319_248262968659459_1884209704_nDo we place our identity to drown in a box overflowing with our minds definitions of limitation? Or, do we choose to see outside of the box, into the realms which may not make sense to our mind and maybe even seem to betray logic? Is it possible for one to truly ever know the vast reality of the deep inner landscapes of our multi-dimensional natures?

I find these to be important self inquiries, in order for us to continue to evolve into new paradigms of living, loving and relating that are healthier and more empowering than the current ones of competition, conflict and manipulation.

We live in a world that has become accustom to social norms and a busy lifestyle so we feel important and that our lives matter. We feel pressured by social interactions that we need to look or act a certain way to “fit in”. This may include a lot of words exchanged, sometimes idle chatter, always in action, parties, media, gossip or social clicks etc. Even yoga classes have become a mere social practice for some. Yet there are still others who find comfort in it as a way to get to know many new aspects of themselves on a much deeper level.

Even sex, yes, sex, we have created a box that limits our free flowing self-expression. The way sex is supposed to look and be experienced is a highly charged subject with lots of opinions about what is right or wrong. There are certain “acceptable” actions to get us off and to climax. I know for me, many of these actions can actually be anything but arousing. I find the more my mind is involved with a protocol, do it this way or that way, the less aroused I become. In actuality, my highest arousal states are in meditation. It is a way of surrendering into orgasmic energy, rather than using my manic mind to manufacture a state that isn’t real.

When I allow this spiritual kundalini energy to be channeled down from my crown to my root, the vaginal walls become engulfed with blood, my yoni/vagina/clitoris get all tingly and rushed with heat which moves through my entire body. In this surrender, there is an open door to intimacy and connection with my Beloved. We are feeling each other, rather than doing each other.

My questions for you to consider are: What if we allowed these social norms to shift? What if for just a moment we were willing to broadened our perspective? What if we were willing to see, hear and feel beyond the words, which may get lost in translation, social interactions, and many external distractions? What if the form or style of our communication does not do justice to the depth of information which is coming through many of us to be shared? The busier we become and the more distractions we create take us further away from our own powerful presence and our ability to listen to and hear the messages between the words. In the place of our own silence we find ourselves.

There are many who may seem quiet, reserved and introverted from our limited perspectives. Keep in mind that some of the boxes we have created help our minds stay safe. If we open our eyes enough to truly see, and open our ears enough to listening deeply, we will discover that those who have been labeled as quiet and reserved, are far more alive, connected and in communication than our minds may perceive. For them life is very loud, very vibrant, extremely ecstatic of many unspoken languages. They have discovered a world that words could never define.

They communicate through their senses and feelings. They are not limited by physical contact. They are always listening, speaking and acting in a way which the limitations of our mind may miss. Their words are used sparingly, to be verbally expressed for the listener’s ears when it feels that it will serve a purpose rather than simply to fill space.

This form of communication is extended into the arenas of sex, relationship and intimacy. I know for me, when the words were silent, I have accessed very deep levels of communication with my lovers. We have the ability to hear the smallest movement, thought, pulse of the other. We are connected and hypersensitive to the tiniest nuances. It seems to open up a gateway to infinite intimacy which we may have missed if our words got in the way. Profound shifts and connection are available when we exercise these non verbal muscles. There is nothing else we area able to hide. We sense underlying energy. We see into the places we may hide our vulnerability. Some of you may be thinking, “I don’t want to be found out. I don’t feel safe to be that vulnerable.” But I say, “YES!” to this type of relationship with life.

Those whom I choose to interact and be in relationship with I truly want to know at the core level. It is such an honor when we meet in this place with such trust, together in this loving exchange. This is what I am offering, like an open book to be read, experienced, and to pass on information through our merging. It is precious and real and satisfying.

This way of communicating has a wider reach than simply interacting with another person. It becomes a way of living. For those who choose this more internal approach, communication with an entire forest is equal to a more extroverted person who goes to a party and communicates with 100 people.

A tribe of many colors moves in various ways and enjoys a variety shapes and expressions. Let’s remember that usually the juiciest parts are the silent places in between the words. Within the unspoken is a mystery waiting to be uncovered. Let’s broaden our perspectives to what we don’t see or hear with our limiting ears or eyes. It is a time of coming together. It is a time for us to jump out of the boxes we have restrained ourselves in, so we may show up as each other’s teachers, friends and lovers, trusting the wisdom we were each born with.

Watch and allow your unique self to be experienced and accepted by you, as you explore and discover how much more deeper intimacy shows up in your connections with other as well. Notice how effortless intimacy can become with yourself and others by simply being still and in the silence. Enjoy it!