a-partner1-300x199One way of relating does is not better than the other. There is not “ONE” way or “THE” Way. There are so many choices these days from the traditional Monogamy to the other extremes of either Polyamory or Celibacy etc. What they all have in common is that they are all experiences we may either enter into with a lot of old baggage, limiting emotional patterns or with that mentality of, “You complete me.” There is also another option of entering into new relationships, that is from a place of “meeting each other in the middle”, as complete whole beings.

No matter what style of relationship one chooses, all of us at some time or another experience emotional moments and feelings of fear or doubt. We either panic or have an opportunity to make clear choices in those moments in any and all of our relationships.

I feel it comes down to- Have we done the work? Have we taken response-ability on a daily basis to clear our emotional bodies, shift our own limiting mental processes, and deconstruct the areas of fear based limitations? Have we or do we choose daily to live as liberated, embodied and free within ourselves?

For me, daily responsibility is about being present and transparent. It is about showing up for ourselves, knowing our highest values, and consciously choosing to move into relationship with the intention of empowering each other rather than taking ownership of another human being. We choose to love rather than fear. We choose to work together on and play in partnership, to show up in our “bigness” each day in love. From my point of view, there are many opportunities in relationships to practice love versus fear.

In my daily reflections I ask myself each day, “Where do I cage myself in? How may I lift myself and my partner/s in love and empowerment daily, in order to have our love be sooooooo FULL that there is no cage that can contain it?”

I choose to live a polyamorous lifestyle, yet I support anyone in choosing the way they want to be in relationships. The point is not whether we are monogamous or polyamorous, it is to remember to continue to be in love together. Relationship is a spiritual practice whether it is with ourselves, with one other person or with 10 other partners. It is all simply a matter of more or less mirrors to look at ourselves in. They are all sacred.

For me, each moment we connect with another being is a “Sacred Ritual”. We meet in our “Wholly Divine Place” of Shadow and Light, all wrapped up into one. We breathe the same breath. We merge our energy fields continuously, whether we are in sexual intercourse or even aware of each other’s presence. Relationship in any form is a spiritual practice. It is two or more beings coming together, meeting in center to intensify, connect and merge in union, like a grid with all of our infinite electric impulses of information connecting to each other.

Where is your center? How tuned up and clear is your grid? Where will you choose to show up bigger in your relationship with life? Let us honor this life and our merging with all beings in any way, shape or form as a spiritual practice. For in love we soar.