1236624_481346808628823_1431261112_nWe are the juice that ignites our life. We are the poets who write our own stories. We are the magicians who have the ability to see inside the mystery. We are the artists who are able to create masterpieces in every moment. Today is an invitation for you to focus on what juices you up. Place yourself in the places that you feel plugged in, surround yourself with the people or conversations which lift you up.

Watch out and notice how sometimes we may choose experiences because they seem exciting and everyone is doing them. Yet we feel empty, drained and unclear afterwards. http://breathworkintimacycoaching.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gifI find this a sign that I have stepped out of that which resonates with my highest alignment. I have stepped away from my own space of integrity.

Each day awaken to remember, and choose what excites your whole being. Listen to the body wisdom and feelings pulsating and speaking to you. I know when I am plugged in and listening I get juiced up and clear about everything else around me. My relationships and life simply flow in ease and connection when I am tuned in.

Here are a few easy steps to tune in and get ignited:

1. Create two lists on paper. In one column list activities, situations and places in which you feel clear, centered and juiced up. In the other column write down activities, perhaps relationships even and events that cause you to feel in some way de-energized, unclear, chaotic and drained afterwards. Now watch and listen. Don’t try to fix anything. Just look at what ignites a fire within you to live a more juicy life.

2. There is not right or wrong. This is merely an experiment of observation. Pay attention to how you feel in each situation. Be present and aware, even if it is unpleasant or uncomfortable because you will learn something about yourself from the experience. This exercise is about feeling verses judging something you as liking it or not liking it. There are many things we “like” to do that simply may not be aligning with or feeding the direction we want to go in life. It isn’t necessarily about liking something or feeling good about it that ignites us.

3. Create boundaries for yourself. Choose from the 1st column how many times per week you need to engage in the activities and be with the people or in the places that empower you to feel plugged in. Allow yourself those things, so it supports everything else in your life and relationships. Then choose how often you will tolerate or choose not to experience the items in the column that depletes, drains or disconnects you from your fire within.

4. After writing your lists, create a new page to explore and try out new boundaries and commitments to yourself to refer back to as a reminder. If you are a visual person perhaps hanging up a nice poster that represents what ignites the fire within you could serve as a reminder to wake up to each morning. Then create your own ritual of letting go of what drains and disconnects you so you can create more space for what energizes your life, path and relationships. I like to burn the paper which I originally wrote on, as a way of allowing the energy to be burned back into ashes. For me it symbolizes recycling that energy back into the earth to be used as fertilizer to plant new seeds.

5. For some of us, we need time alone. For me, I need time alone in nature to feel juiced up and centered. Being in nature regenerates me. I even make a commitment to myself of having a minimal of at least 1 day of silence each week. During these days of sacred solitude, I don’t answer my phone or have conversations with others. I go out to nature and find someplace where it is quiet. Maybe I hike or sit, meditate, read or journal. Along these lines, I also have a commitment to myself of limit weekly social activities to 2 groups per week maximum. I need that boundary with my full schedule and all the events and space holding I provide in my work with others. I know if I choose more, even though they are tempting and fun, it is not serving the integrity of my relationships or work. I create a balance for myself so everything flows in harmony.

6. Bottom line, remember to have fun! Get out there and get juiced up! Remember that the more you take time out to discover yourself, the more you will learn to honor yourself, which will expand your capacity for more intimacy in relationships and life.